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Rabu, 26 Februari 2014
9:26 PM
hello Taeners ..
Kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai kuliner yang ada di Jogja nih..
Buat kalian yang suka dan suka banget sama sambel uleg, patut dicoba nih ^_^
Warung Lesehan yg ada di jalan Gandekan lor( Belakang Malioboro) ini memiliki tampilan yang sangat simpel. EEEiiiiittsss namun rasa dari menu masakan nya ga sesimpel warungnya .
Menu utamanya adalah Sego tempong khas dari Banyuwangi dengan sambel tempongnya yang WOW banget ! berasa di tempongin deh lu.
Tersedia juga berbagai menu yang ditawarkan diantaranya : Pecel lele, ayam goreng, belut goreng, Rica- rica Menthok, dan Wader goreng .
Rica-rica menthok di Lesehan pak Mukhis ini bisa punya nama lain yaitu Rica-Rica setan karena rasanya yang hot banget dan bikin wajah merah kayak setan(kali aja) ....
Taeners, kalian juga bisa request sendiri sambel uleg yang kalian pengen, misal Sambal bawang, sambal mentah, sambal matang, sambal tempong.
[Taeyeon] Oh! my boy nanika ga (na na na na na)
[Sooyoung] Isso isso someone’s talking (ah ah ah ah ah)
Nee zutto
[Jessica] Looking at you lo-looking at you I’m looking at you lo-looking I
[Seohyun] Anata Miteru wa
[Tiffany] Nee sore wa killer boyish na Supernova
[Hyoyeon] Unmei no Supernova
[Sooyoung] Majikaru na Supernova
[All] Gingakei sukeitan de number 1
Uneru base line like a shooting star, a comet!
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!
([Yoona] Oh oh oh oh oh oh)
[Taeyeon] Uwasa no mato da wa
([Hyoyeon] Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh)
[Seohyun] Tauto na hippu rain wa marude
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!
[Jessica] Oh boy, do you believe this situation?
[Sooyoung] Yeah
[Jessica] You better keep this a secret
[Seohyun] Makasete mi mashou yobu koe no hou e
[Yuri] Zetai naze na no houseki no you na me de
[Tiffany/Sunny/Hyoyeon] Looking at you lo-looking at you I looking at you
lo-looking I
[Sooyoung] Ima mo miteru wa
[Sunny] Ne sore wa utagaenai Supernova
[Yoona] Chougenjitsu Supernova
[Taeyeon] Anata no Supernova
[All] Taikiken ourai de sou in and out!
Sekai kaesou na shock sugata kaete tourai
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!
([Yoona] Oh oh oh oh oh oh)
[Taeyeon] Chijou de kirameite
([Hyoyeon] Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh)
[Seohyun] Ukabiagatta shiruetto
[All] (Tu-tu-tu-ru-tu-tu)
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!
[Yuri] Tsukamae te [Sooyoung] suitto nigerare te
[Jessica] kieru no
[Sunny] We’re dancing and looking at you yeah!
[All] Gingakei sukeitan de number 1
Uneru base line like a shooting star, a comet
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!
([All] Oh oh oh oh oh oh)
[Taeyeon] Uwasa no mato da wa
([Hyoyeon] Yeah eh eh eh eh eh eh)
[Seohyun] Tauto na hippu rain wa marude
{All] (Tu-tu-tu-ru-tu-tu)
Girls in …
In the Galaxy! Galaxy! oh!